Albania My First Posting A Bloodstained Surprise

Welcome to Albania

Albania My First Posting A Bloodstained Surprise. How did this come about? So it was on a cold and windy January morning in 1998 that I arrived at Heathrow airport to catch my early morning flight to Vienna en-route to my final destination Tirana the capital city of Albania. With all the background briefs on … Read more

Albania Bloodshed Avoided At Queens Party

Albania Bloodshed Avoided At Queens Party i

Albania Bloodshed Avoided At Queens Party is a story from Tirana, Albania that came about thus. Sitting out and enduring the lockdown , I spent a lot of time trawling through YouTube videos especially trooping the colour and the celebrations of Queen Elizabeth’s birthday. I love our history and traditions and make no apologies for saying so.

Therefore, every year, on the occasion of the Queen’s official birthday, all British embassies and Posts throughout the world organise their own Queen’s birthday celebration.

So, this took me back to a time and place when the apparently straightforward task of arranging an event of this magnitude can often be fraught with uncertainty and a whiff of danger, especially abroad.

It was the first week in June 1998 in Tirana, where the focus then was on the upcoming Queens Birthday Party, (QBP) which I had been told I was to organise.

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